How to prevent kidney stones ?

How to prevent kidney stones ?
What are kidney stones?  
Kidney stones are gravel-like collections of chemicals that may appear in any area of the urinary system, from the kidney to the bladder. They may be small or large. You may have just one stone or many. Your kidneys filter your blood and excrete waste products and excess water as urine. They are located on either side of your spine, just above your waist. Kidney stones are most common in middle-aged people and are 3 times more common in men than in women. They tend to recur.

The most common type of kidney stones result from too much calcium and oxalate in the urine. These minerals bind together as crystals, forming stones. The following dietary guidelines can help to prevent kidney stones.

1. Drink plenty of fluid  

Drink more fluid, especially water

Drinking water helps to flush out the kidneys and dilute stone-forming substances, making stones less likely to form.

Drink at least 2- 3 litres, or 10 cups, of fluid daily. At least half of this should be water (soda, mineral, spring or plain tap water).

Have a cup of fluid (250mL) each hour during waking hours, and a large glass of water before going to bed. Drink a glass of water if you wake up during the night.

Spread out your fluid intake during the day.

AVOID strong black tea and orange juice, as these are high in oxalates.

Avoid grape fruit juice, cranberry juice (if more than 500ml/day) and sugary drinks. Drinking large amounts of sugary drinks (softdrink, cordial) can lead to weight gain. Choose diet or low joule drinks to limit weight gain.

Lemon juice is a good source of citrate which helps to prevent stones forming. Drink 100ml of lemon juice daily (could be added to water).

2.  Limit salt  

Salt (sodium) increases the amount of calcium in your urine. Limit sodium intake to less than 2300mg per day

To reduce salt /sodium: buy fresh foods, or foods without salt - fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh meats, chicken, fish, eggs, porridge, rice, pasta

Most sodium (75%) comes from processed foods. Limit processed foods high in salt e.g. soup, Bonox, processed meats, sauces, gravy, crisps and snack foods.

“low salt” or “no added salt” foods are the best choices. Look for a sodium content less than 150 mg per serve as a guideline. Note that some “reduced salt” products can still contain high levels of sodium.

do not add salt at the table or in cooking.

What can I use instead?

freshly ground pepper, dry mustard powder

lemon juice, lime juice, vinegar

a sprinkle of dried herbs or chopped fresh herbs

garlic, curry, chilli, onion, fresh ginger, spring onions

3. Limit foods high in oxalate  

Reducing  oxalate  in your diet helps to reduce the amount of oxalate in your urine.
Limit intake of :

rhubarb, spinach, silverbeet, beetroot, eggplant, sweet potato, celery, leeks

nuts, peanut paste

strong black tea, orange juice


wheat bran and wheat germ

berries (eg strawberries, blackberries), dried figs

4. Include adequate calcium in your diet

Dietary calcium is important for your bones and teeth. Adequate dietary calcium intake is recommended.

Include at least 2-3 choices daily from the following list:

250mL milk (eg Trim, skim, full cream, calcium-fortified soy milk)

200mL high calcium milk eg Physical

200g (small tub) yoghurt

40g cheese (2 slices)

3 scoops ice cream

5. Include only a moderate amount of animal protein 

Limit protein from  meat, seafood, fish, chicken, eggs  to a moderate serve (120 -150g) daily (cooked) (note 60g meat = 2 eggs).

6. Vitamin supplements 

Do not take  Vitamin C supplements (also known as ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate).

Do not take  Vitamin D supplements  or cod liver oil.

7. Choose wholemeal and wholegrain foods  

Eating foods higher in fibre can decrease the risk of stone formation by reducing the amount of calcium and oxalate you absorb

Choose wholemeal and wholegrain breads, flour, cereals, pasta, biscuits and crackers

8. Increase fruit and vegetable intake.


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