Health Benefits Of Pomegranate
Family: LythraceaePomegranate (Punica granatum) is a small tree that bears yellow-red round-shaped fruits, whose inner part is filled with numerous “arils”, from which the intense red pomegranate juice is produced. Pomegranate trees growth in mild-temperate climate, in the drier regions of Mediterrean Sea, as Spain, the East Indies, tropical Africa and America.
Short history of Pomegranate
Pomegranate has been used as curative remedy by several civilizations and has been referred as a sacred symbol by several religions and mythologies.
Greek Mythology Legend of Persephone Symbol of life and regeneration
Persian Mythology Legend of Isfandiyar Symbol of invincibility
Judaism Bible Symbol of sanctity and fertility
Buddhism Wedding gift Symbol of fertility and abundance
Islam Quran Heaven fruit
Christianity Bible Symbol of resurrection and everlasting life
The pomegranate secret
Scientific researchers have pointed out that punicalagin and elagic acid are the main components in the pomegranate biological activities. Regarding to punicalagina, it has been reported that Pomegranate has the highest content of it compared to any other plant. In addition, pomegranate is rich in several bio-active molecules, such as flavonoids, anthocyanidins, conjugated poly unsaturated fatty acids (as punic acid), fitosterols, triterpenoids and several vitamins and microelements (iron, selenium, copper, etc.). The biological activity of this plant is the result of a synergic action of this cocktail of molecules, some of them already present at micromolar concentration and some others undergone through biotransformation and originate new bioactive entities, such as urolithins.
Pomegranate biological actions
Pomegranate has been used through centuries by different civilizations to produce curative remedies, and recently the modern medicine has rediscovered the beneficial properties of this plant.
Pomegranate - rubies in a shell or rubies for your health, there are several ways to describe this delectable fruit because of its health benefits.
1: Free Radicals: We may not be aware but pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants. Therefore, it helps to protect your body's cells from free radicals, which cause premature aging. Free radicals are formed due to exposure to the sun and harmful toxins from the environment.
2: Natural blood thinners: There are two kinds of blood clots: The first kind speeds skin recovery from topical injuries like cuts and bruises. Here it is important that the blood clots immediately to avoid lose of blood. The second kind of blood clot is internal and dangerous; examples would include blood clots in the heart and arteries, also urinary retention. Here you don't want the blood to clot as the effects are lethal. To smoothen out the blood you need pomegranate seeds, as the antioxidant properties help it act like a 'thinner for paints'. The seeds prevent your blood platelets from coagulating and forming clots.
3: Prevention of atherosclerosis: The antioxidant properties of a pomegranate prevent low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol from oxidizing. This essentially means that pomegranates prevent the hardening of the artery walls with excess fat, leaving your arteries fat free and pumping with antioxidants.
4: Pomegranates act like an oxygen mask: Pomegranate juice pumps the level of oxygen in your blood. The antioxidants reduce cholesterol, fight free radicals and prevents blood clots. This eventually helps the blood to flow freely in your body in turn improving the oxygen levels in your blood.
5: Arthritis prevention: Pomegranate health benefits run bone deep; it can reduce the damage on the cartilage for those hit with arthritis. This fruit has the ability to lessen the inflammation and fights the enzymes that destroy the cartilage.
6: Fight erectile dysfunction: Pomegranate can also cure this embarrassing problem. It is not a wonder drug; pomegranate juice can improve erectile dysfunction only moderately. Research is inconclusive, but this theory has found some supporters.
7: Fights prostrate cancer and heart diseases: Studies claim that pomegranate juice helps fight prostrate cancer. In one lab experiment, the juices "slowed the growth of the cultured cancer cells and promoted cell death". In the second experiment, pomegranate juice improved the condition of the blood, hence improving the health of individuals down with cardiovascular diseases.
A word of caution: Pomegranate juice may react to a heart patient's medication.
Other healing effects of pomegranate juice:
- Reduces diarrhea
- Controls weight
- Prevents cartilage deterioration
- Lowers blood pressure
- Slows down Alzheimer's disease
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