It is the most useful mineral for a 'growing' individual and is also of great benefit to those recovering from illnesses. Calcium promotes rigidity in the bones and teeth and improves the muscle contraction, thus giving tone to the muscles. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, over ninety percent of which is deposited in the bones and teeth to keep them strong and hard. A small amount of calcium is also found in the blood for the normal functions of coagulation of blood, for a regular heartbeat, the transmission of the nerve impulses, for the activation of several enzymes, for maintaining the integrity of the cellular membranes and in the protein structuring of RNA and DNA. That is the reason why during periods of growth, pregnancy and lactation, calcium needs to be supplemented.

Calcium cannot be absorbed in the absence of iodine and it also requires phosphorus, magnesium and certain other minerals in addition to Vitamins A, C and D in order to be properly utilized. The blood levels of calcium and its intestinal absorption, deposition  or mobilization from bone are all controlled by a complex interplay of Vitamin D, Parathyroid hormone and Calcitonin.The amount of calcium you need daily depends on your age and gender.

Calcium is found in abundance in almonds (unblanched), asparagus, beans, brewer's yeast, Brazil nuts, cereals fortified with calcium, citrus fruits, figs (anjeer), fish (like mackerel, salmon, sardines and shellfish), green leafy vegetables (like blackstrap molasses, broccoli, cabbage, chick-peas, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, etc, except spinach), lime, low fat milk and milk products especially cheese, whey, cottage cheese (paneer) and yogurt, oats, peanuts, peas, prunes (dried plums), sesame seeds, soybean, sunflower seeds, tofu, wheat and whole grain cereals. Spinach (palak) and rhubarb (revandchini) contain oxalic acid, a chemical substance that interferes with calcium absorption and so should be taken in small amounts in cases of a calcium deficiency.Calcium deficiency is generally characterized by muscle cramps, decay in the bones and the teeth, stammering, numbness and tingling in arms and legs. In children, calcium deficiency results in under development of bones and in adults, rigidity of joints and bony pains. Extra calcium is a greatly required treatment for osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism and some other chronic illnesses.


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