"Anaemia" means circulating haemoglobin below its normal range in relation to age and sex. Iron is an essential component of the hemoglobin molecules necessary for the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and its transportation to all parts of the body. One of the most common causes of anaemia is iron deficiency, which is commonly a result of excessive loss of blood (either through an accident, through menstruation or stomach ulcer). The other causes of anemia are vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency and haemolysis. Symptoms and signs of anemia include lassitude, fatigue, pallor (of skin, mucous membranes, palms and conjunctiva), dizziness, palpitations, tachycardia, breathlessness on exertion, poor concentration, headache, recurrent cold and infections, cold hands, paraesthesia in fingers and toes and oedema.
Severe anemia can weaken the immune system, impair wound healing and cause poor coordination and mental confusion. In children, anemia can retard the growth and mental development and thus also contribute to behavioral problems.
Almond- Almonds taken regularly for a period of three to four months will prove to be beneficial for anemia. Soak a few almonds in water overnight and then peel off the thin red skin the next morning and ground it into a paste. Have one teaspoonful of this paste daily with breakfast.
Amaranth (chaulai)- This leafy vegetable is a rich source of iron. Cook it as a vegetable and consume it daily. One can also extract the juice from the leaves and drink one glass daily.
Apple- Though apples do not contain high amount of iron, it has properties that helps the body to absorb iron from other foods.
Beet- root / Sugar beet- This is highly beneficial in treating anemia. Eat raw beet-root daily as salad with meals. One can also have one glass of raw beet-root juice daily. This will increase the number of red blood corpuscles in an anemic patient. Beet-root has high iron content which helps to generate or reactivate red blood cells in anemic patients and it also supplies fresh oxygen to the body.
Carrot- One glass of carrot juice with a little honey is highly beneficial in treating anemia. A mixture of carrot juice and beetroot juice freshly prepared and taken twice or thrice daily will be a good stimulant for the bone marrow to increase the formation of red blood cells.
Coriander seeds (dhania) – Take coriander tea as often as possible. It helps in treating anemia. To prepare coriander tea, boil two teaspoonfuls of coriander seed powder in one lass of water. Add some sugar to taste. Cool it and drink it daily.
Fennel seeds (saunf) - These are highly effective in treating anemia. Boil six teaspoonfuls of fennel seeds and red rose petals in one and a half cup of water and strain. Take this twice a day.
Fenugreek leaves (methi) – The leaves and seeds of fenugreek (methi) are a valuable cure for anemia and help in blood formation.
Fig (anjeer) – Figs are excellent for treating anemia. Soak 2 – 3 dried figs in a cup of water overnight. The next morning have them with milk. Do this for one month.
Garlic – Two to three cloves of garlic chewed daily in the morning for a few months provides relief in anemia.
Green peas (matar) – Peas contain high amount of fibre and vitamins A, B and C. They are considered to be highly useful in treating anemia.
Honey – This is a rich source of iron, copper and manganese, is remarkable for building haemoglobin in the body.
Indian gooseberry (amla) – The juice of Indian Gooseberry (amla) is taken with a few black raisins and honey twice daily.
Lettuce – Lettuce, taken raw or in the form of juice in combination with carrots, acts as a good tonic for anemia.
Mango – Anaemia due to liver disorders is benefited with mango juice.
Papaya – This fruit is extremely beneficial in treating anemia. Eat this fruit frequently.
Pomegranate (anar) – This fruit is highly effective in treating anemia and many other blood disorders. Mix ¼ teaspoonful of cinnamon powder and two teaspoonfuls of honey in one cup of pomegranate juice and have it for a few months. It will help the anemic patients. Have one glass of juice of fresh pomegranate along with the peel regularly. This helps in purifying the blood.
Sesame seeds (til)- Make chikkis or any other homemade sweets using sesame seeds and jaggery (gur) and have them regularly. This is good in treating anemia as both til and jaggery are rich sources of iron. Black sesame seeds – a richer source of iron than white sesame seeds, are highly beneficial in treating anemia. One teaspoonful of these seeds should be soaked in warm water, grounded, strained, and then taken with a cup of milk after sweetening it with jaggery or sugar.
Soyabeans– Most anemic patients benefit from soyabeans, which is rich in iron and also has a high protein value. It should preferably be taken in the form of milk, as it can be digested easily in that form.
Spinach– This leafy vegetable has high iron content and is extremely useful in treating even the worst of anemia. After its absorption, it helps in the formation of haemoglobin and red blood cells. Have this leafy vegetable in cooked form, or have one glass of fresh raw spinach juice daily for a few months. One can also have spinach soup. Take care to wash the spinach leaves thoroughly in hot water before extracting the juice or before cooking it.
Tomato– Tomatoes contain iron and when eaten regularly in salad or soup form, helps to treat anemia. The seeds of the tomatoes should be avoided.
Vitamin C– To increase iron absorption, accompany meals, especially meatless ones, with food that is high in vitamin C such as tomatoes and citrus fruits. Drinking a glass of orange juice with breakfast cereal doubles or triples the amount of iron absorbed. A mixture of sweet lime and orange juice if taken daily for a few months cures this ailment. A few drinks of diluted limejuice taken regularly for a few months will also help treat this ailment.
Refined and processed food like white bread, polished rice, sugar and desserts make the body deficient in the much needed iron, which is best assimilated when taken in the form of raw vegetables and fresh fruits which are rich in this mineral. Sour things, especially curd and fried things should be avoided completely. Green vegetables should be taken in plenty.
Other sources of iron are avocados, bajra, bananas, Bengal gram, black berries, black currants, blackstrap molasses, Brewer?s yeast, cashewnuts, coriander leaves, drumstick (saijan ki phalli), dry dates, dried plums (prunes), egg yolk, fish, jaggery (gur), jowar, legumes, lentils (masoor), liver, meat, nuts, parsley, peaches, pears, pistachios, pumpkins, radish leaves, raisins, rice, sprouted grains, strawberries, watermelon and whole wheat.
Stale wholemeal bread or rye bread should replace white bread.
Some important food items to be included in your regular diet are:
1. Cereals- bajra, jawar, whole wheat.
2. Fruits- watermelon, blackberries, strawberries, dry dates, grapes and raisins.
3. Green vegetables-spinach (palak), fenugreek seeds and leaves (methi), coriander leaves, radish leaves and drumstick (saijan ki phalli).
4. Jaggery.
5. Nuts-almonds, cashewnuts and peanuts.
6. Pulses and legumes – Bengal gram, soya beans.
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