Amnesia is a condition in which the person complains of partial or total loss of memory, especially for names, places, faces and events. This is usually seen in old people or those suffering from severe stress, anxiety, depression, inadequate sleep, poor nutrition and overwork or those suffering from psychological illnesses. Temporary loss of memory may also result from an injury to the head. The main cause of amnesia is the impairment of brain cells by diseases that affect them directly or indirectly, due to poor blood supply caused by circulatory diseases such as arteriosclerosis and cerebro vascular accident.

Activities like reading, playing scrabble, crossword and yoga helps build concentration. To train the mind to remember, try and pay attention and concentrate on whatever you are doing and do not try to do two things at a time. Avoid any kind of distraction. Pause before you do something, become aware of your surroundings and activate your senses.


Almond-This nut is very beneficial in treating poor memory and in treatment of loss of memory due to weakness of the brain. It has properties that remove brain debility and strengthen the brain.  Soak about 5-7 almonds in some water overnight and then remove the skin in the morning. Then make a fine paste of these almonds and mix it with some sandalwood and have it.You can also soak the almonds for about two hours and then remove the skin and then grind these almonds. Add these to one glass of milk with one teaspoonful of honey and have it. This makes a very nutritious drink. Inhaling a few drops of almond oil through the nose is also very useful to improve dull memory due to weakness of brain. Soak seven almonds in some water overnight and then remove the skin in the morning. Eat these with one teaspoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach. This is excellent for the brain, nervous  system and for weak memory.

Apple – This is a memory enhancing fruit and is known as the brain food that is useful in treating dull or weak memory. It has certain chemical substances that help control the wear and tear of nerve cells. It is rich in trace mineral-boron that helps to enhance memory, stimulate the brain and increases brain activity.Having an apple daily along with two teaspoonfuls of honey and one cup of milk helps improve the memory.

Asafoetida (hing) – This is a resinous gum that helps regenerate the brain and strengthen the nervous system thus increasing the memory. It is called the "mind tonic" and is used in powder form.
Dissolve one and half teaspoonful of this powder in two cups of boiling water and cool it. Then have this in sips while working. This will sharpen the memory and increase mental alertness.

Black pepper – This spice helps enhance memory. Take a few seeds of pepper and ground it into a fine powder and add one tablespoonful of honey to it and take it twice daily.

Cabbage  –  This vegetable helps improve weak memory due to Alzheimer‟s disease.

Cinnamon – Every night, take half a teaspoonful of honey mixed with a pinch or two of powdered cinnamon. This improves memory. Clove (laung / lavang)  -  Powder a few cloves (lavang) and mustard seeds (rai). Take the mixture with little milk or water once a day before breakfast. This  helps increase concentration and enhances memory to prepare for examination.

Coriander seeds (dhania) – Boil the dehusked seeds (dhania) in two glasses of milk and four glasses of water till it is reduced to half. Divide this into two halves and have one portion in the morning and one in the evening. This is effective in treating loss of memory, especially in cases where there is a history of cerebro-vascular accident.

Cumin seeds (jeera) – This spice is known to be the brain food and it enhances memory.
Take three grams of powdered black cumin seeds mixed with a little honey and lick it every morning for a few weeks. This will improve weak memory, especially in children who are dyslexic and who suffer from attention deficit disorder.

Date (khajoor) – Dates make an excellent remedy for failing or weak memory, especially in aged people and post-menopausal women. Consume 4 – 5 dates daily.

Indian gooseberry (amla) – This is excellent for poor memory arising from stress and strain of life. Have this in the form  such as murabba, pickles or dried form or the  fresh raw  fruit  itself. Amla juice is also very

Phosphorus rich fruits – All fruits rich in phosphorus are known to sharpen the memory. Phosphorus-rich fruits such as oranges, grapes, apples, figs (anjeer), dates, almonds and walnuts invigorate the brain cells and tissues and are also beneficial in the treatment of loss of memory due to weakness of the brain. Other sources of phosphorus are asparagus, bran, brewer‟s yeast, corn, dairy products, dried fruits, eggs, fish, garlic, legumes, meat, nuts, pumpkin seeds, salmon, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and whole grain.

Pomegranate (anar) – Anar juice mixed with one teaspoonful of honey is known to be an age-old remedy for loss of memory.

Poppy seeds (khus khus) – Prepare a decoction of poppy seeds. Have 20 – 25 ml of this decoction twice a day. This is beneficial for weak memory.

Prune (dried plum)  - Taking three to four prunes (dried plums) daily in the morning for a few days helps improve memory especially in old and debilitated people.

Small cardamom (choti elaichi)  -  Add powdered cardamom (elaichi) seeds in boiling water during the preparation of tea. This helps improve memory.

Walnut- This dry fruit is since long known to be highly beneficial in failing memory due to weakness of the brain. If taken with figs and raisins, its value increases. If consumed by itself, then take about 15 - 20 pieces daily. This will increase  the secretion of vital neuro enzymes and strengthen the memory.

Zinc, Iron and Boron  –  Deficiencies of  zinc, iron  and boron  can be responsible to some extent for lack of concentration, so follow a diet that is rich in these minerals. Increase the intake of carrots, cow‟s milk, egg yolk, nuts, pulses, radish, soybean oil, sunflower oil and whole-grain cereals.

Get enough sleep. A good sleep of about 7 - 8 hours improves memory. People who work late till night or in night shifts tend to face lot of memory problems right at the beginning of middle age.


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