MENOPAUSE - Home Remedies

MENOPAUSE - Home Remedies
"Menopause" also termed as "the change of life", is a perfectly normal process through which every female goes through but is yet a very dreaded time in a woman's life since most of the women feel that they have lost their femininity and attractiveness. As this period approaches, the menses start becoming irregular, both as regards to the time of their return and the quantity of the flow. During this period the ovaries stop ovulating and there are changes in the hormonal levels leading to disturbances in the menstrual cycle (irregular menses) and then after a few months or  years, there is a cessation of menses. It usually occurs during the late forties and fifties, depending upon when their mother or grandmother got their menopause.

Also during the menopausal phase the woman goes through a lot of emotional disturbances, mood swings, depression, poor concentration, increased irritability, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, dryness of hair, heart palpitations, osteoporosis, paleness, debility, insomnia, disturbances in calcium and zinc metabolism and other complaints like headache, vertigo, backache, osteoporosis, weight loss or weight gain, arthritis, etc. Avoid taking hormonal replacement therapy, since the side effects caused by them are many.

Regular exercising (like aerobics, walking, stretching, jogging, swimming, deep breathing exercises, etc.), relaxation techniques, performing yoga, keeping yourself busy in some occupation or hobby, etc. will help you to relax and divert you emotionally and consequently reduce your symptoms. Stop smoking since it directl y affects the production of estrogen and brings on the menopause earlier.


1. Some  herbs  useful for this condition are Mexican wild yam, passionflower, sarsaparilla, liferoot, golden seal, Lady's slipper, liquorice (mulethi), black  cohosh, alfalfa, blessed thistle, ginseng, red raspberry root, yarrow and false unicorn roots. All of these contain some natural estrogen and so can be used as natural supplements to the body during menopause  or  after hysterectomy. They reduce
the menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, etc. The best way to take herbs is as follows take a teaspoonful of the dried herbs or open and empty two to three of the herbal capsules in a cup and pour some boiling water over it. Allow it to stand for ten to fifteen minutes, strain it and then have it with a teaspoon of honey.

2. Drink a lot of liquids and eat a lot of whole grain cereals, peas, soybeans, legumes, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, either raw or  lightly cooked. Avoid alcohol, caffeine products (especially coffee and chocolate), sugar, spices and refined, tanned  or  processed foods.

3. The natural sources of Vitamin E are avocados, brown rice, cold-pressed vegetable oils, corn meal, dry beans, fresh vegetables (like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage,  carrot, green leaves, legumes, parsley, spinach, sweet potatoes and tomatoes), fruits (like apples, peaches and dried plums that are also called as prunes), homemade cottage cheese  (paneer), nuts, oatmeal, organ meats, peanuts, sprouted grains, sunflower seeds, unpasturised milk, wheat germ and its oil and whole-grain cereals; which should be taken liberally.

4. Increase your intake of calcium-rich food like almonds (unblanched), asparagus, beans, brewer's yeast, Brazil nuts, cereals fortified with calcium, citrus fruits, figs (anjeer), fish (like mackerel, salmon, sardines and shellfish), green leafy vegetables (like blackstrap molasses, broccoli, cabbage, chick-peas, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, etc.;  except  spinach), lime, low-fat milk and milk  products especially cheese, whey, cottage cheese  (paneer) and yogurt, oats, peanuts, peas, prunes (dried plums), sesame seeds, soybean, sunflower seeds, tofu, wheat and whole grain cereals.

5. Take in two to three cloves of garlic daily in the morning for a few months.

6. Soybean products contain natural estrogen and so it tends to decrease the menopausal symptoms.

7. Beetroot juice, taken in small quantities at a time, thrice daily helps.

8. Take a tablespoon of raw honey in a glass of warm water every morning.

9. A teaspoonful of carrot seeds are boiled in a glass of cow's milk for about ten minutes and then taken.

10. Take a bowl full of yogurt and a glassful of buttermilk twice daily for a few months.


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