Medicinal Uses Of Common Household Articles

Medicinal Uses Of Common Household Articles
1. Turkey baster-can be used to flush out wounds, or as siphon(oil,gas etc).

2. Coffee filters-wipes for cleaning wounds, filtering water coffee/coffee grounds-antifungal, in WW I they used coffee ground enemas to hasten wound healing. This works by increasing the function of the liver & gall bladder to remove toxins from the body. (6 tbl grounds in 2 quarts water) .

3. Krazy glue/Super glue-in place of "liquid bandage" on small cuts, paper cuts, blisters .

4.Hemostats-various uses for clamping, assisting with suturing, packing wounds.

5. Clove oil-(main ingredient eugenol)used as anaesthetic, antiseptic. Apply directly to tooth to treat toothaches, dry socket (after tooth extraction,) mixed with zinc oxide to form a temporary filling, used on minor cuts and abrasions, improves circulation, purifies the blood, can be used on skin irritations like prickly heat or scabies, chewing on a clove or drinking a tea with it can ease nausea & indigestion, bruises and in the past was even used to treat Cholera. Must be used sparingly however since it can be toxic in high doses. (lethal dose is 3.752 g/kg body wt).

6. Black pepper-sprinkle generously on cuts to stop bleeding (leave on/covered for 2-3 days,) also used for shingles cayenne pepper-1 tsp in 1 cup hot water & gargle (can also drink this) to reduce sore throat, draws out infection.

7. Turmeric-for sore throats, helps cuts to stop bleeding, antiseptic .

8. Baby wipes-hygiene, washing when no soap/water available, cleaning around wounds.

9. Cranberry juice-prevent/treat urinary tract infections.

10. Contractor bags-human waste, biohazardous contaminant disposal honey-natural antiseptic, currently being researched for its use in war zones (due to cheap cost) University of Sydney is working w/its use for chronic wounds, such as diabetic/venous stasis ulcers (due to poor circulation) also for burns & other wounds that require a sterile moist environment to heal. Saturate the gauze dressing with the honey, do not let it dry out. Cough syrup can be made with 1 part honey/1 part lemon juice.

11. Banana peels-apply daily to assist with wart healing salt(NaCl, non-iodized is best for most uses)-homemade saline solution for wound cleansing, gargle for mouth care, sore gums & throat, nasal spray.

12. Plain yogurt(unsweetened)-used topically/internally for yeast infections. May be used intra-vaginally.

13. Mouthwash(with alcohol base)-can be used in a pinch to cleanse minor cuts/abrasions, best if you have antiseptic type like Listerene.

14. Whiskey/brandy(EtOH)-anaesthetic/antiseptic.

15. Broccoli juice-is antiseptic for wound care.

16. Garlic-"wonder herb" of home remedies, antiseptic, stops bleeding (crush & use juice on wound,) anti-fungal, prevents gangrene & infections, also viruses and intestinal parasites, helps lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Most effective when using fresh whole cloves but oil/powdered forms are available. 

17. Oregano oil-antifungal(can even penetrate nails, & for athlete's feet) antiseptic, works great in conjunction w/colloidal silver, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, has pain-killing properties, can be used topically/internally (just a small drop diluted for ingestion) Careful use if you are on blood thinners as it can also have an anti-coagulant property.

18. Tea tree oil-very similar properties as oregano oil.

19. Epsom salts(magnesium sulfate, MgSO4)-has many healing properties when used either topically internally. laxative (2-4 tsp/cup water wait 4 hours before repeating dose, too much can be toxic-give half this dose for children,) muscle relaxant for aches/bruises, draws toxins from the body, soaking may help to release a splinter & heal wound, exfoliates/softens skin-use 1-2 cups in a bath. Cautious use for those with high blood pressure or kidney problems) It also can be used in your garden to make grass greener/help veggies grow .

20. Moist tea bag-anti-inflammatory, can be used to ease bug bites, sty, swollen/dark circles under eye, to ease diarrhea/stomach .

21. Upset baking soda(sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3)-is a "base", adjusts pH, can be used in baby bath to ease diaper rash & for general skin irritations like chicken pox/poison ivy to soothe skin ,toothpaste substitute, helps canker sore, for a bee sting to draw out venom, make a paste w/rubbing alcohol (or cold water) apply then scrape away the stinger with a credit card or nail, best not to pull out with tweezer or fingers because more venom can be released, can be used to smother fires (especially good for class B oils/flammable liquids,) GI distress/gas relief/acid stomach take 1/2 tsp/cup water, underarm deodorant, you can also add a little to water when you soak dried beans to lessen their "gassy" effect .

22. Apple cider & white vinegars (synthetic white vinegar is/similar  to 5% acetic acid which is used in hospitals on wounds with gram negative bacteria,) cleansing wounds, antifungal, used to disable stinging cells of jellyfish(I have heard or urine being used for this too,) outer ear canal infections, ease bruising, help reduce bleeding, 1/4 cup in vaporizor/or boil water & inhale steam to ease congestion/colds, eases sunburn, for insect stings, dandruff/dry skin relieves itch/softens skin, for arthritis mix 1/2 tsp honey, 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar w/tsp flavoured gelatin-this is also good for nausea and morning sickness, mix equal parts water/vinegar/liquid dish soap and put in a spray bottle apply to skin for natural insect repellant, also know to aid in wart removal.

23. After shave-many contain alcohol & have astringent properties for use as skin disinfectant.

24. X-acto knife-trivia: orignally invented in the 30's by a Polish immigrant who hoped to sell it to surgeons but it never took off so his brother suggested its use as a craft tool. So it makes sense to use in place of scalpel to remove spliters, debride wounds, perform minor surgery etc.

25. Fish hook/fishing line-great for use in suturing minor wounds (double aught 00 size is ideal) There was an actual study done based in Rwanda proving that nylon fishing line was as if not more effective than actual sutures! Boil for 20 min to sterilize 1st.

26. Aloe vera plant-break off stalk and use sap on burns/abrasions coconut macaroon cookies-eat 2 a day to ease diarrhea, I found multiple testimonials from those w/Chrone's & other GI illnesses.

27. Carob powder-1.5g/kg body wt for nausea/vomiting/diarrheacrisco/lard-apply to dry/chapped skin.

28. Salt substitute(NuSalt, RealSalt are brands names, most contain potassium chloride KCl)-can be used to replete potassium.

29. Boric acid(*note laundry detergents 20 Mule Team, Boraxo contain borax-similar but would not recommend for internal use)-safe to use has toxicity about equal to table salt. Uses include antifungal, take 1/32-1/4 tsp per liter water start w/smaller dose and build up to see your reaction (mycoplasma/parasites which may be found in Lupus, Rosacea, Morgellon's etc) mix with hydrogen peroxide to treat dog mange (may be drying to skin-apply oil after,) rid your home of pests as non-toxic insecticide, disinfectant, remove mildew.

30. Ammonia-can be a substitute smelling salt (though a little harsher).

31., Hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)-light causes it to break down rapidly, that is why it usually comes in a brown plastic bottle. Can be very toxic in pure form, usually sold in a weaker strength. Diluted w/water it can be used as antiseptic mouth rinse-whitens teeth too but may cause them to become temperature sensitive, removes blood stains, to cleanse wounds, can also be used in the kitchen to clean fruits and veggies, counter tops & cutting boards.

32. Bleach/clorox(sodium hypochloride)-used to prevent germ growth/infection in wounds. Mixed with baking soda & water for use in hospitals as Dakin's Solution to cleanse wounds/do dressings (see attached sheet for formula).


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