Health Benefits of Strawberry
Strawberry is one of the most delicious and nutritious fruit. It has the ability to remove harmful toxin in the blood. It is also recommended for sluggish liver, gout, rheumatism, constipation, high blood pressure, catarrh and even skin cancer. We know that all fruits, particularly berries and those with exotic colors are rich in anti oxidants. Strawberries are no exception. In addition to anti oxidants, they have many other nutrients and can be used to prevent many diseases. Strawberry is a rich source of folic acid, folic acid helps to prevent / reduce birth defects involving brain.
Nutritive Value : Per 100 gm.
Vitamin A : 60 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .03 mg.;
Vitamin C : 60 mg.
Calcium : 28 mg.
Phosphorus : 27 mg.
Potassium : 220 mg.
Carbohydrates : 8.3 gm
Calories : 37
Health Benefits of Strawberry :
1. This is highly rated as skin cleansing food, even though the skin eruptions may appear at first in some cases.
2. It is also known to clean or rid the blood of harmful toxins.
3. It has been reported to help cases of syphilis.
4. The strawberry, when cut in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums, removes tartar from the teeth and strengthens and heals the gums. The juice should be allowed to remain on the teeth as long as possible in order to dissolve the tartar. The mouth may then be rinsed with warm water.
5. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C that can strengthen the immune system. They also contain antioxidants that can help prevent certain types of cancer, and slow memory loss as you age.
6. Studies also show that eating strawberries can help lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Strawberries also contain fiber that can help you lose weight and lower your cholesterol.
7.Eye Care: The primary reasons for almost eye problems is free radicals and deficiency of certain nutrients. With the growing age and lack of these protective nutrients, the harmful oxidants or free radicals cast heavy damage on our eyes, such as drying up of eyes, degeneration of optical nerves, Macular degeneration, vision defects and make them more prone to infections. The anti oxidants such as vitaminC, Flavonoids, Phenolic Phytochemicals and Elagic Acid, present in strawberries can help avoid this situation to a great extent.
8. Arthritis and Gout: Strawberries, with their team of anti oxidants and detoxifiers, can effectively help push away such health hazards forever. It is a famous saying in India that a serving of any fruit a day will remove the rust from the joints. It is very true for strawberries.
9.A daily intake of strawberries is seen to have remarkably brought down the growth of cancerous cells.
10. The vitaminC and the phytochemicals in them neutralize the effect of these oxidants and also rejuvenate the system. One more thing strawberries are rich in is iodine, which is very helpful for proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.
11.High Blood Pressure: Strawberries are very high in potassiumand magnesium content, both of which are very effective in lowering high blood pressure caused by too much sodium.
12. Heart Disease: High fiber, Folate, no fats and high anti oxidants such as vitamin C and those phytochemicals (Flavonoids) together form an ideal cardiac health pack, as they effectively reduce cholesterol. Some of the members of the vitamin -B family present in strawberries also strengthen the cardiac muscles and help better functioning of the heart.
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