Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Health Benefits of Brown Rice
Brown rice is an unpolished rice, the brownish layer that is left clinging to the seed (rice) is called bran.

Types of Brown Rice :
a. Fully unpolished-is when the entire bran layer is not removed, the color of the rice is very brown.
b. Partially unpolished -only part of the bran is removed, the color of the rice is light brown.
When cooking brown rice you should first soaked it in water for 25 to 30 minutes before cooking.
This process is necessary to soften the bran layer on the rice seed. The ratio of rice to water is 1:2(1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water). Brown rice when cooked is firmer than the white(polished rice).

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

  • Vitamin B : Thiamine .32 mg.; 
  • Niacin : 4.6 mg.
  • It also contain vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and Vitamin K 
  • Calcium : 39 mg.
  • Iron : 2 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 303 mg. 
  • Potassium : 150 mg. 
  • Fat : 1.7 gm. 
  • Carbohydrates : 77.7 gm. 
  • Protein : 7.5 gm. 
  • Calories : 360

Health Benefits of Brown Rice : 
1. Provides all necessary carbohydrates requirements.
2. Rich in fibers.
3. Helps control blood sugar.
4. Helps control cholesterol.
5. It is a body building food.
6. Beneficial for stomach and intestinal ulcers and for diarrhea. It is easily digested starch food.
7. Because of the mineral content, it supplies important nutrient for the hair, teeth, nails, muscles and bones.


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