Some Health Tips

Some Health Tips

Fuel Up With Good Food
1. Drink water or unsweetened beverages instead of sugar sweetened beverages.
2. Watch portion sizes, especially when eating away from home.
3. Limit calorie-rich foods.
4. Eat less high-fat foods.
5. Fill your plate with whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
6. Limit fast foods.
7. Eat breakfast.

Get Plenty of Exercise
1. Develop your daily exercise plan.
2. Build up daily 30 minutes of exercise, five or more days a week.
3. Pick activities you enjoy.
4. Do stretching, aerobic and strength-building exercises.

Balance Your Life
1. Learn to say "no."
2. Know stressors in your life.
3. Think positively.
4. Accept that change occurs as you grow older.
5. Pursue hobbies.
6. Make time for yourself and your family.
7. Have realistic expectations.

Take Prevention to Heart
1. Do monthly testicular and skin self-exams.
2. Have regular medical checkups.
3. Check for heart disease, diabetes, prostate and colon cancer.
4. Have regular dental and eye exams.
5. Maintain a healthy weight.
6. Aim for ½ to 1 pound per week if losing weight.

Know Your Numbers

  1. High blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg or greater.
  2. Desirable blood cholesterol is below 200 mg/dl.
  3. Body fat should be 12 percent to 22 percent.
  4. Watch your weight.  
  5. Blood glucose of 110 to 126 mg/dl indicates high risk for diabetes.

Protect Yourself Safety:

  1. Wear seat belt or helmet.
  2. Wear safety equipment.
  3. Don’t drink alcohol and drive.
  4. Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.
  5. Lift with your legs, not your back. 


  1. Use bug repellent to avoid insects.
  2. Wear sunscreen with SPF 15 or greater and a hat to protect against skin cancer.
  3. Practice safe sex to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Brush and floss daily. 
  5. Get adequate rest. 
  6. Know what your health insurance covers.
  7. Use both prescribed and over the counter medications as directed.
  8. Keep vaccinations up-to-date. 
  9. Establish a partnership with your healthcare provider.
  10. Protect against carpal tunnel syndrome and posture problems at the computer or in repetitive tasks.


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