Quitting Tobacco for Good
1.To quit using tobacco for good you need to recognize that you are addicted to nicotine. When you don’t get it you experience negative emotions. You don’t like feeling these negative emotions so you continue to smoke.2.To effectively quit using tobacco for good, you need to develop an attitudewhere you
dedicateand commityourself to achieving a smoke-free life. Your mind has to be made up
so that nothingwill get in the way of achieving this most important goal!!! You need to see quitting as a gift you are giving yourself rather than a deprivation.
3.To quit using tobacco for good you need to develop and implement effective,
nicotine-free coping strategiesthat you can use to manage the temporary, negative
emotions that come when your brain stops getting nicotine.
Quitting Tobacco for Good in a Nutshell
If you have ever tried quitting smoking before you will attest to the fact that it can be a very difficult thing to do. As such, to quit smoking for good you need a plan. The information and exercises in this book are your plan. As with anything else worth having, achieving a tobacco-free life requires effort. Addictions are tough to break. Putting in the effort and energy is necessary to ensure success. Therefore, the most important feature of successfully breaking free from tobacco use is this:
You need to immerse yourself in the smoking cessation process!!
This means that:
Quitting smoking becomes the number one project in your life. Of course, you continue to fulfill your school and work responsibilities, but quitting smoking is always on your mind because it is the number one thing you can do to improve your health and life!!!
You read through this entire booklet and do all the exercises.
You think about quitting and the role of tobacco in your life any chance you get (e.g. on the bus, walking etc).
You visualize your life as a non-smoker and think about how fantastic it will be to be free of tobacco!
You read about smoking cessation whenever you can. You make time for it. Some quit smoking websites are provided below. Be sure to read other peoples’ quit stories at quitsmokingsupport.com .
You talk to people who have effectively quit smoking and ask them how they did it, what challenges they faced and what has kept them smoke-free. Also, ask them for any advice they would have that can help you in your process. The information and exercises in this booklet that form your plan are divided into 3 main sections. They are:
1. Understand nicotine addiction. Of the over 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke, only one keeps you coming back: NICOTINE. Once you acknowledge that you are addicted to nicotine and understand how nicotine addiction happens, you will be in an excellent position to go smoke-free.
2. Cultivate an attitude of dedication and commitment to smoke-free living. In essence, you need to see quitting smoking as a gift you are giving yourself rather than a deprivation. This is an extremely important point. If you don’t adopt this attitude, your chances of successfully quitting will be severely compromised.
3. Identify, develop and implement coping strategies to manage the temporary, negative emotions that come from nicotine withdrawal. There are hundreds of nicotine-free ways to cope with negative emotions. Discover them, build them, and use them. Your Plan to Quitting Smoking For Good Some Smoking Cessation Websites Why Quit:(http://whyquit.com/) Plenty of great information including quit tips and personal stories. Quit Smoking Support:(http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/) Access the “Inspirational Letters” and “Your Last Straw” sections through the Information tab to read inspirational stories from people who are just like you. Canadian Cancer Society: (http://www.cancer.ca. Click the “Prevention” tab to find the “Smoking and tobacco” link. Information from Health Canada: (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/tobac-tabac/quit-cesser/index-eng.php) Nova’s “The Search for a Safer Cigarette”(http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/cigarette/nicotine.html) Visually demonstrates how nicotine affects the brain and leads to addiction. Canadian Lung Association: (http://www.lung.ca). Click the “Protect Your Lungs” tab to get to the “Smoking & tobacco” link for information on quitting smoking. Physicians for a Smoke-free Canada: (http://www.smoke-free.ca/) The fact sheets have lots of statistics on tobacco and the tobacco industry. Info Tabac (http://www.info-tabac.ca/help.htm) has information on quit smoking resources in Montreal as well as several links. Lots of information in French. Joe Chemo: (http://www.joechemo.org Although it is geared to youth, this site has plenty of links as well as some quit tips. Quit smoking for good.
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