Potassium is necessary for normal growth and helps regulate and encourages the kidneys to flush out body wastes. It is required for generating the electric and magnetic forces in the body, for rebuilding tissues, flesh, bones and muscles. It also gives flexibility to the muscles. It aids all other mineral salts in the function of chemical activities. It maintains the fluid balance and helps in the normal functioning of the muscles and nerves. It is very essential for red cells. Anemia, intake of too many drugs, kidney disorders and adrenal tumor are some of the conditions that cause potassium deficiency. This mineral is especially found in all sprouted grains; fruits; peas; pulses; soyabeans and vegetables like gourds (louki and karela), potatoes, tomatoes, etc.
Symptoms of deficiency include:
Heart problems.
Poor reflexes.
Dry skin.
Poor muscle tone. 
Supplemental potassium can balance out excess salt, lower high blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels and relieve water retention.


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