Failure to menstruate or obstructed and delayed menstruation is termed as 'amenorrhoea'. This is natural if occurring during pregnancy and at menopause, but abnormal if occurs at any other time. The commonest causes of amenorrhoea are anemia, emotional disturbances (like depression, grief, fright, worry, stress, etc.), malformation of the uterus, debility (especially after a serious illness), polycystic ovarian disease or some hormonal imbalance.
1. Boil two teaspoonfuls of fenugreek (methi) seeds in a glass of water and reduce it to half a glass. Filter it and take this drink twice daily for some days.Iron rich foods should be had regularly; and the rich sources of iron are almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, beet root, black berries, black currants, black strap molasses, brewer's yeast, dates, dried plums (also called as prunes), egg yolk, fish, kelp, legumes, lettuce, lintels, liver, meat, nuts, parsley, peaches, pears, pumpkins, raisins, rice, sesame seeds, soybeans, spinach (palak), sprouted grains and strawberries.
2. For teenagers whose periods are delayed are advised to include green unripe papaya in their regular diet. Unripe papaya helps the contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus and is thus useful for securing a proper menstrual flow.
3. Boil two tablespoonfuls of white sesame seeds (til) and a pinch of pepper powder in a glass of water and reduce it to half. Add a little jaggery and take the drink twice daily for at least ten days or take two teaspoonfuls of powdered sesame seeds twice daily.
4. Beetroot syrup is made by boiling the beetroot till it becomes soft and then remove the beetroot and just boil the liquid till it becomes a syrup and then drink one cup twice daily.
5. A piece of fresh ginger is pounded and boiled in a cup of water for a few minutes. The infusion, sweetened with sugar, should be taken thrice daily after meals.
6. Liquorice (mulethi) tea is a useful herbal tea for amenorrhoea.
7. Fomentation of the abdominal and pubic region with hot leaves of castor oil plant (arandi) is done.
8. Paste of bark of peca tree and tamarind (imli) tree with water is applied over the abdomen locally.
9. Dissolve two teaspoonfuls of mustard powder in bath water and soak yourself into the bath.
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