Health Benefits of Coconut Milk
Coconut is a very nutrient dense food containing a reservoir of vitamins and minerals & is a natural remedy for an impaired immune system. Coconut is one of the significant source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) that are smaller than other fats and, therefore, digest very quickly, so quickly in fact, that the body uses them as an immediate source of fuel rather than pack them away in storage inside our fat cells.Coconut milk is a superfood filled with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, and growth factors. It is low in fat and has only a fifth of the sugar found in most fresh fruit juices.
1. Coconut milk contains lauric acid that gets converted to Monolaurin which possesses anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-protozoal and anti-bacterial properties.
2. Coconut milk also helps to keep the arteries and heart clean and healthy due to its lauric acid content. And although coconut milk contains saturated fats, the presence of lauric acid and other beneficial acids in coconut milk make it perfect against heart disease and atherosclerosis.
3. Coconut milk can help to prevent cancers & help ward off degenerative diseases such as premature aging; sagging of the skin, wrinkling, vision and bone problems due to its potent antioxidant properties.
4. Coconut milk is also used to promote skin health and helps in combating skin problems.
5. It improves digestion and bowel function, relieving problems such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
6. It also promotes normal bone development and contributes to healthier and stronger bones, which is especially important for kids and elderly.
7. Try to take in moderation or slightly more since coconut food (including its cream, milk, water, meat) does you more good than harm. And when you eat, make sure you get premium quality coconut milk with reduced fat version for better taste and greater nutritional benefits.
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