High blood cholesterol develops in anyone regardless of age, sex, race, or ethnic background. Most people are unaware that their blood cholesterol levels are high until they learn it from their doctor through tests and investigations. Since there are no signs or symptoms, like high blood pressure, it is a potential threat to ones health.

Heart disease in present century is number one on the list of death mortality. It is caused by the clotting up of the blood vessels by a fatty substance called atheroma and is due to too much 'fat' in the blood. This process is called atherosclerosis and it can eventually lead to diseases like heart attack and stroke. There are two types of fats in the blood that commonly cause this condition. They are cholesterol and triglycerides. A special blood test conducted after fasting for at least 12 hours can tell the doctor if one or both of these fats are too high in a patient.

What is Cholesterol? 

Cholesterol is a white fatty substance formed mainly in the liver of animals including humans. There are three important categories of lipids:
The neutral fats
The conjugated lipids
The sterols

Cholesterol helps in the metabolism and manufacture of certain hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, and to help in the development of brain.

In humans, neutral fats are fatty acids esterified with alcohol, glycerol; most are esters containing three fatty acids and are called triglycerides.

Conjugated lipids consist of phospho-lipids and glyco-lipids. Adipose tissue contains stored triglycerides. Triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospho lipids are the major lipid components found in serum; these lipids exist in blood as macromolecules complexed with specialized proteins to form lipoproteins.


It has always been very difficult to establish reference ranges for cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations; enormous variations exist among groups classified according to sex, race and income level, physical activity, dietary habits and geographic locations. It is also uncertain whether to consider the average as the normal.

Cholesterol level is determined partly by the genetic make-up and the saturated fat, and cholesterol in the diet.


The three major risk factors for coronary heart disease are:

1. High blood cholesterol
2. Cigarette smoking
3. High blood pressure


Cholesterol travels in blood in small packages called lipoproteins.All lipoproteins are formed in the liver and carry cholesterol through the body.Cholesterol packaged in low density lipoproteins (LDLs) is transported from the liver to other parts of the body where it can be used. LDL carries most of the cholesterol in blood, and if not removed from the blood, it can lead to a build up of fat and cholesterol in the arteries contributing to atherosclerosis. Therefore, LDL cholesterol is also known as bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is also packaged in high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). HDL carries cholesterol back to the liver for processing. HDL helps to remove cholesterol from the blood preventing its accumulation along the arterial walls. Therefore, HDL cholesterol is also known as good cholesterol.


Any level above 200mg/dl increases your risk for heart disease. If your cholesterol is 240 mg/dl or greater, you have more than twice the risk of someone whose cholesterol is 200 mg/dl.

If it is 300 mg/dl the risk is almost six times. When high cholesterol is combined with other major risk factors (either high blood pressure or cigarette smoking),  your risk for coronary heart disease increases even further.

If your cholesterol level is in the high category and you have high blood pressure, your risk for coronary heart disease increases and if you smoke, the risk increases almost twenty times.

Other factors that increase the risk of coronary heart disease include family history of coronary heart disease before 55 years of age, diabetes, vascular (blood vessel) disease, obesity and being a male.

How will lowering your high cholesterol help? 

Lowering high blood cholesterol level will slow fatty build up in the walls of the arteries and reduce the risk of heart attack and death caused by heart attack. If you reduce the cholesterol level by 15%, your risk of coronary heart disease could drop by 30%.


The primary treatment for high blood cholesterol is to follow a diet that is low in saturated fat and low in cholesterol.


1. Eat less than 30% of your total daily calories from fat.
2. Less than 10%of your calories should come from saturated fat. No more than 10% of your calories should come from polyunsaturated fat. 10% - 15% of your calories should come from monounsaturated fat.
3. Eat less than 300 mg of cholesterol each day.
4. Eat 50% - 60% of your daily calories from carbohydrates.


1. To ensure an adequate balance of all the healthy foods carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals, one needs to choose from a wide variety of food.
2. We need to keep our weight in check and to prevent obesity by cutting down on fats, sugar and alcohol. Try and reduce the quantity of servings and exercise regularly.
3. Cut down on fats by selecting fish, poultry and lean meats; cut excess fats and remove the skin. Restrict the use of butter or margarine and use minimum quantity  of cooking oil. Eat less of dairy products, fried food and snacks.
4. Restrict the use of sugar to minimum  by eating less sweet food like cakes, biscuits and soft drinks. Reduce the use of sugar in recipes and avoid canned fruits.
5. Eat more breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables. Increase the intake of complex carbohydrates such as rice and potato.
6. Drink less alcohol. Instead have more water.
7. Use less salt to avoid increase in blood pressure.


Alfalfa-- Alfalfa contains all the elements necessary for the softening of the hardened arteries and cleaning up fatty deposits within the coronary arteries. The seeds of alfalfa are useful in sprouted form. They can also be taken in salads, sandwiches and in soup form.

Almond --  Almonds are highly nutritious nuts and contain monounsaturated fat, which is known to reduce cholesterol.

Apple-- Apple contains a high soluble fibre called pectin that helps lower cholesterol, in other words, it prevents the building  up of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, thus keeping the heart free from any ailments.  A diet rich in flavonoids (abundant in apples) lowers the risk of heart disease and may help prevent strokes. Apple murabba (Indian, sweet pickle made from apples) relieves mental stress and acts as a heart stimulant, thus keeping the heart strong.

Avocado-- Avocado has the same type of cholesterol lowering fat as almonds and olive oil. Raw avocados can be put in salads or spread on bread or crackers. Avocados also protect arteries against oxidative damage that makes cholesterol dangerous.

Bajra- Have chapattis made from bajra flour regularly as it has significant amounts of iron, lecithin and choline, which keeps cholesterol under control. It also keeps a check on the accumulation of deposits of any kind of fat anywhere in the body thereby controlling obesity.

Barley- Make chapattis with barley flour and bran or wheat flour mixed together and eat them daily. This reduces the blood cholesterol level. The fibers of the grain removes the fat deposits collected in the arteries over a long period of time, thus cleaning the arteries and valve around the heart.Barley also aids the suppression of cholesterol production in the liver and prevents dietary fats and cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestines.

Beans (dried) and seeds-  Legumes or beans are the best and safest food for reducing bad cholesterol. According to one test, beans improve the HDL-LDL cholesterol ratio by 17%. Take about 80 – 100 grams of dried beans or baked beans twice a day for best results. This also raises the good HDL cholesterol. Heart patients should have soya beans, sunflower seeds and wheat germ regularly.

Bengal gram (chick pea / chole)- Regular consumption of Bengal gram reduces the cholesterol level. Make chappatis from ground whole pulses mixed with wheat flour and take them regularly. This keeps the cholesterol level under control.

Brinjal-- The leaves of brinjal plant and brinjal itself cooked and eaten as a vegetable, reduces the cholesterol level in the blood, thus preventing heart diseases. Consume cooked brinjal regularly. The seeds of brinjal have certain properties that bind the cholesterol and take it out through the intestines, thus preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the blood.

Cabbage--  Eat cooked cabbage regularly. Cabbage contains vitamins B and C which strengthens the blood vessels, keeps the cholesterol level under control and prevents the walls of the arteries from getting thick, thus preventing any heart diseases. Cabbage also helps reduce palpitation of the heart.

Carrot-- Carrots contain high anti-cholesterol soluble fibre including pectin. This reduces the bad LDL cholesterol and raises the good HDL cholesterol. The fibre in two carrots can lower the cholesterol by 10- 20%. Beta-carotene in the carrots also raise good HDL cholesterol. Eat at least two raw and fresh carrots daily, thus keeping the heart free from any diseases. Carrots can also be taken in soup or juice form and they can also be eaten raw, cooked or boiled.

Coriander seeds (dhania)-- These seeds have cholesterol reducing property, thus, to reduce high cholesterol take a decoction made from boiling two teaspoonfuls of dry coriander seed powder in one glass of water. Take this twice a day for a few months to bring down blood cholesterol level.

Fenugreek leaves (methi) - Cook this as a vegetable and consume it regularly. It lowers the cholesterol level.

Fenugreek seeds (methi)--Soak 10-12 methi seeds in one fourth cup of water overnight and have both the seeds and the water, next day in the morning with a glass of water. This will reduce the cholesterol level. You can also boil some methi seeds in about one and a half cup of water, then strain this liquid, add 1 teaspoonful of honey and drink it. Do this daily. Both these remedies are useful for cardiac problems.

Fibre- One must incorporate more fibre in their daily diet as fibre reduces the absorption of cholesterol, thus preventing heart diseases. Some rich sources of fibre are unseived wheat flour, whole grains and pulses, fresh fruits and vegetables in raw form. Fruits and vegetables rich in fibre and vitamin C prevents platelet clumping that leads to formation of blood clots.

Garlic- Garlic is a powerful anti-coagulant food. It prevents blood clotting. It also prevents and treats atherosclerosis. Even if consumed in moderate amount, garlic will help thin the blood, thereby reducing formation of blood clots within the arteries.Take 2 - 3 raw cloves of garlic every morning. This reduces the high cholesterol level thus preventing heart diseases. There are certain compounds in garlic that lower cholesterol by reducing liver's synthesis of cholesterol. Bad cholesterol is the main cause for blocking the flow of blood through the heart. Garlic reduces this bad cholesterol thus protecting the heart and preventing atherosclerosis / arteriosclerosis.

Grapefruit-- The pulp of grapefruit contains a unique type of soluble fibre called galacturonic acid that helps lower blood cholesterol. It also aids in dissolving plaque or reverse plaque formation that is already clogging the arteries. But it must be noted that the juice of this fruit does not contain any fibre and hence it does not show any cholesterol lowering effects.

Grapeseed oil-- Oil extracted from grapeseed (which is used for mild dressing), is very effective in raising good HDL cholesterol.

Guava-Guava is a rich source of vitamins A, B and C. Its high fibre content aids in keeping the cholesterol level under control .

Ishabgul--  The seeds of this herb contain certain properties that reduce the blood cholesterol level, thus it is highly beneficial in the treatment of high blood cholesterol. The oil of the seeds also reduces the blood cholesterol level as it contains 50% linoleic acid and one teaspoonful of this oil should be taken twice daily for beneficial results.

Lady's finger (bhindi)-- Have bhindi soup daily, this will reduce the cholesterol level and will keep the heart healthy.


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