Rehmannia - Chinese Foxglove

Rehmannia - Chinese Foxglove
Rehmannia  glutinosae
Rehmannia (rehmanniae glutinosae) is part of a genus of six species of flowering plants in the order Lamiales, endemic to China. Known in China as Shu Di Huang and sometimes known in the west as Chinese Foxglove (due to its superficial resemblance to the genus Digitalis), it is one of the most important nutritive, restorative herbs used in Chinese herbalism. Rehmannia root is considered a blood and yin(nutritive fluids) tonic in traditional Chinese medicine which strengthens the kidney/adrenal complex, the liver and the heart. It is used for a variety of imbalances such as anemia, irregular menses, dizziness, night sweats, hot flashes, premature graying of the hair, lower back pain, constipation and wasting disorders. Rehmannia contains the vitamins A, B, C, D, amino acids, as well as many other useful compounds.

According to Chinese herbal medicine, Rehmannia is sweet tasting and cool in energy. When the Rehmannia is prepared (in alcohol) its energy becomes warming and it becomes more of a nutritive tonic. Three of the most frequently prescribed formulas in Chinese medicine are based on Rehmannia as the chief herb, due to its powerful tonic effects. These formulas are known as Rehmannia 6 (LiuWei Di Huang Wan), Rehmannia 8 (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan) and Zhi BaiDi Huang Wan (8 Flavor Rehmannia).

Rehmannia 6 (Liu Wei DiHuang Wan) is the primary Kidney Yin tonic in Chinese medicine. Individuals suffering from blurry vision, dark rings under theeyes,difficult urination and/or frequent urination, dizziness, flushed or red face, headaches, hot flashes, low grade fever in the afternoons, night sweats, nocturnal emission, uneasiness or mental unrest, weakness in the lower back, extreme thirst, AIDS, cancer (specifically those undergoing radiation treatments), diabetes, hearing loss and hyperthyroidism are commonly given this formula as part of a treatment program. Rehmannia 8 (Jin Gui Shen QiWan) has the same main 6 herbs as Rehmannia 6 with 2 warming herbs added for their ability to tonify the “Kidney Yang” and promote circulation, sexual energy, vigor and willpower. The third formula, 8 Flavor Rehmannia (Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan) is indicated for deficient kidney yin plus excess heat signs. It has been considered especially helpful for menopausal women experiencing hot flashes.

Western studies explain the effects of rehmannia in relation to the iridoid glycosides which are currently the only known main active ingredients. These iridoids function via the adrenal glands to yield changes in the level of anti-inflammatory adrenal hormones and to form a basis for the production of sex hormones.


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