Lemon Beebrush

Lemon Beebrush
Lemon Verbena
Botanical Name:Aloysia triphylla
Family: Verbanaceae
Meaning in the Language of Flowers: Enchantment; delicacy of feeling

Unlike most herbs that are typically native to the Mediterranean area, Lemon Verbena is native to Chile and Argentina. Spanish explorers brought lemon verbena to Europe in the 1700’s. The name verbena means “leafy branch”.Lemon Verbena is a tender perennial that loves hot sun. It becomes dormant in cool weather and is slow to break dormancy in our climate.The leaves are about 3 to 4 inches long, pointed and rough with a very strong and alluring lemon scent. Lemon Verbena is, without a doubt, the herb with the strongest lemon scent. Lemon Verbena has many fans due to this attractive scent.

Lemon Verbena has a refreshing sharp lemon scent and flavor in the kitchen. It tastes delicious in fruit drinks and iced water, fresh fruit, fruit salads, cakes and desserts. It is a popular addition in herb teas and combines well with mint. Lemon verbena leaves can be added wherever a taste of fresh lemon is desired.

Medicinal Actions:
Lemon Verbena is a mild sedative and is useful in a relaxing tea or tub bath. Lemon verbena combats depression, nervous tension, stress, insomnia and anxiety. Lemon verbena is also soothing to the stomach and decreases gas, nausea and indigestion.

Cosmetic Actions:
Lemon Verbena stimulates circulation and opens the pours. It is used as a facial steam, in bath herbs and eye compress.


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