Health Benefits of Rhubarb

Health Benefits of Rhubarb
Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) is a winter-hardy herbaceous perennial grown for its edible leaf stalks.

The tart-flavored stalks are most commonly used in pies, often in combination with strawberries for added sweetness.  The leaves themselves are not eaten, either cooked or raw, as they contain toxic levels of oxalic acid.

Rhubarb is rich in vitamins, minerals and acids such as citric and oxalic acid. It is known to be blood-cleansing and purifying, but can reduce your calcium levels if you consume it everyday.  Many people will peel the stalks to reduce the oxalic acid content.

Rhubarb is a VERY OLD plant.  

Edible rhubarb originally came from Mongolia or Siberia.

It was used first as a medicine over 4500 years ago in China.

Ben Franklin brought seeds to the United States in 1772.

It gained popularity in the 1800s when it was used for pastries and pie fillings.

Botanically speaking, rhubarb is a vegetable,however in 1947, the U.S. customs in Buffalo  ruled that it should be a fruit because of the way it is served ~ mostly in pies.

Rhubarb is a perennial (grows year after year) that produces long, celery-like leaf stalks from a base.

Stalks can be red, speckled pink, or simply green.

Never eat rhubarb leaves, cooked or raw! They can be poisonous because they contain the toxin oxalate.

Rhubarb is an EXCELLENT source of calcium, fiber and Vitamin C.

It is low in saturated fat and has no cholesterol.

Fresh rhubarb may have a positive effect on  lowering blood pressure and can be beneficial for those suffering from high cholesterol.

Rhubarb has been found to have

1. anti-oxidant,
2. anti-inflammatory, and
3. anti-allergy properties.

The word rhubarb comes from the Latin word "rhababarum" which means "root of the barbarians."

Rhubarb is nicknamed “pieplant” due to its popularity in pies, but it also works well in savory dishes.

The Quakers called it the “Persian Apple” because they thought it was an exotic fruit from somewhere in


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