Dandruff - Remedies

Dandruff - Remedies

Dandruff is a very common scalp condition involving excessive flaking of the skin. It leads to visible skin flakes in the hair and on clothing which can be embarrassing. Problem dandruff can be effectively managed with appropriate scalp and hair care and medicated shampoos.

Normal skin regularly sheds old skin cells. These old dead cells usually go unnoticed, as there are very few of them at any one time. Dandruff flakes are caused by an increased turnover rate of skin cells on the scalp. Dead skin cells are shed from the scalp in much larger numbers and as they are shed, these dead skin cells clump together with oil from the hair and scalp, making them visible.

Dandruff can happen to anyone at any age, but is not common in children.  It tends to be seasonal and is usually most severe during winter and mildest during the summer. Dandruff is not dangerous, does not cause baldness and is not contagious.

The exact cause of the increased rate of skin turnover in dandruff is unknown. However, it is thought to be linked to the overgrowth of a tiny fungus (yeast) present on the scalp. This fungus lives on most people’s scalps all the time, usually without causing any problems. Sometimes, however, it seems to grow out of control and irritates the skin, causing dandruff. It is not known what causes the overgrowth of this fungus.

  • Things that may contribute to the development of dandruff include:
  • Hormones
  • Oily hair and scalp
  • Infrequent shampooing, inappropriate hair conditioners or poor rinsing of the hair
  • Stress
  • Allergy or hypersensitivity
  • Illness
  • Some medical conditions  (e.g., Parkinson’s disease)
  • A weakened immune system.

Treatment and prevention of dandruff
Dandruff can disappear suddenly without treatment or may need to be managed with specific scalp and hair care or a medicated shampoo. Sometimes dandruff takes many weeks of treatment to improve.Shampoos

Mild dandruff may be controlled by daily shampooing with a mild, non-medicated shampoo. This can reduce oiliness and scale build-up on the scalp. The scalp should be massaged gently to loosen flakes and the hair and scalp rinsed thoroughly.

Non-prescription medicated  anti-dandruff shampoos and lotions are available. Some contain antifungal agents  ask a pharmacist for advice. Anti-dandruff shampoos can be harsh on skin and hair, so it is important to follow label directions carefully.

More potent anti-dandruff shampoos and lotions, to control severe dandruff may be prescribed by a doctor.


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