Almonds - Health Benefits

Almonds - Health Benefits
Almonds can benefit the body in so many ways that it’s hard to believe such a small nut can pack this much punch. There are many different reasons why almonds are such a powerful food; probably the best way to explain this is by taking a look at all of the nutrients, healing properties, and of course, the best way to eat them.

The extensive nutrients contained in almonds include, among others, vitamin E, vitamin B2, protein, magnesium and potassium. Additionally, almonds are high in dietary fiber and monounsaturated fat, also
known as the “good fat”, which is found in olive oil.

With respect to heart disease, the healing properties of almonds pack a one, two punch. For example, the monounsaturated fats, when ingested, help lower LDL cholesterol, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. Studies have proven that eating almonds over a period of only two weeks can have a positive impact on LDL levels. Vitamin E, an antioxidant, helps lower cholesterol and magnesium reduces stress on veins and arteries by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain and throughout the body.

For optimal cellular health vitamin B2 is essential. Your body has a high amount of oxygen-containing molecules that are used to produce energy. Sometimes, these molecules can be reactive and cause damage
to the mitochondria; however, this can be prevented with a protein molecule called glutathione, which vitamin B2 allows being recycled within the body. Essentially, without vitamin B2 the glutathione would not be able to recycle itself and defend your mitochondria against danger.

Beyond heart and cellular health almonds possess an array of healing properties that help promote weight loss and colon health as well as protecting you from anemia. Did you know that a quarter of a cup of almonds contains over 4 g of fiber – a whopping 16% of the daily requirement? Or, that eating almonds are a great alternative to red meat for getting your daily dose of protein? Healthy cooking ideas for almonds are far from traditional. You can of course eat them as is, in fact, many health experts recommend eating the skin of an almond to get the maximum benefit. However, there are more
creative ways to get your daily almond fix – for example:

1. Add fresh almonds to a salmon salad in addition to lemon juice and capers
2. If you don’t eat fish, try almonds with some yogurt for a tasty treat
3. For a twist on a holiday favorite try adding almonds to cranberry sauce for a wonderful taste
4. Almond shavings can also be added to a variety of main dishes including roasted chicken with mango for an island flavor.
Can you think of a better tasting way to stay healthy? Make almonds part of your daily life and your body will reap the rewards!


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